В Национальном молодёжном театре им.М.Карима готовят новую пьесу

В Национальном молодёжном театре им.М.Карима готовят новую пьесу

At the M.Karim National Youth Theater, the play “I am the Fist, I ANNA.” M.Raisses was started. Director - People's Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan Olga Musina.

“I am Anna and I want to be friends”, says Anna’s inner voice from the first lines of the play. She is 12, she does not hear from birth, but silently reads the world and people around like a book. This world is alien to her, even hostile, love and friendship is unknown, real life rages inside of itself. "Only the speakers know how to lie," says Anna. In her silence, the naked truth is written, "they write about the play in the theater.

Anna's inner monologue tells about mother's dislike and betrayal of a friend. She draws support from the words of her beloved writer, goes on a crazy journey, and matures, reconciling with the world and herself.

The premiere of the performance is scheduled for February 20, 2019.


Интернет - портал "Культурный мир Башкортостана" учрежден по поручению Главы Республики Башкортостан от 18 июля 2011 года и реализует свою деятельность при поддержке Министерства культуры Республики Башкортостан, ГАУКиИ РБ "Башкирская государственная филармония им. Хусаина Ахметова".

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