The performance of the Bashkir Academic Drama Theater named after M.Gafuri "Antigone" is nominated for the National Theater Award "Golden Mask - 2018".
The production of the Bashkir theater is presented in seven categories: "The Best Performance of a Great Form", "The Best Work of the Director" - Farid Bikchantaev, "Best Actress" - Lilia Galina for the role of Antigone, "Best Male Role" - Oleg Khanov for the role of Creon, "Best female role of the second plan "- Gulmira Ismagilova for the role of Ismen," The best male role of the second plan "- Almas Amirov for the role of Choir," The best work of the artist "- Albert Nesterov.
The 24th Golden Mask Festival will be held in Moscow in February-March-April 2018. The ceremony of awarding the Russian National Theater Award "Golden Mask" will be held on April 15 at the New Stage of the Bolshoi Theater.