Bashkir Choreographic College presented a concert in the framework of the project “Nureyevsky Days”

Bashkir Choreographic College presented a concert in the framework of the project “Nureyevsky Days”
Segodnya v Ufe sostoyalsya kontsert Bashkirskogo khoreograficheskogo kolledzha im. R. Nureyeva «V kazhdom, kto vykhodit na stsenu, budet zhit' chastichka menya». Meropriyatiye proshlo v Bashkirskom gosudarstvennom teatre opery im baleta v ramkakh proyekta «Nureyevskiye dni». Programmu otkryl klass-kontsert «Kak stat' balerinoy» na muzyku kompozitorov XVIII-XIX vekov. Baletmeyster-postanovshchik – zasluzhennyy deyatel' iskusstv RF, professor kafedry rezhissury baleta Sankt-Peterburgskoy konservatorii im. N.A. Rimskogo Korsakova Aleksandr Polubentsev. V postanovke prinyali uchastiye vypuskniki klassicheskogo i narodnogo otdeleniy, obuchayushchiyesya mladshikh, srednikh i starshikh klassov. Kak otmechayut prepodavateli kolledzha, podgotovka k akademicheskomu kontsertu vedotsya s samogo nachala uchebnogo goda. Dlya rebyat eto ochen' volnitel'noye sobytiye, oni priznayutsya, chto vystupat' na stsene Bashkirskogo teatra opery i baleta – bol'shaya chest'. Vo vtorom otdelenii vospitanniki BKHK im. R. Nureyeva ispolnili «Serenadu» iz baleta «Arlekinada» R. Drigo v postanovke Yuriya Burlaka (pedagog – Rezeda Khalikova), «Vengerskiy tanets» v avtorskoy khoreografii pedagoga Marata Karimova, legendarnyye obraztsy bashkirskogo tantseval'nogo iskusstva – «Sem' devushek» Fayzi Gaskarova i «Burzyanochki» Khashima Mustayeva. Vypuskniki klassicheskogo otdeleniya – Matkava Milana, Dekshanayeva Karina, Shirnin Kirill i Fakhrullin Artur – pod rukovodstvom zasluzhennoy artistki RB Ayslu Paninoy predstavili sovremennyy tanets «Dzhungli» T. N'yumena v khoreografii Olega Gabysheva. Byli ispolneny nomera v khoreografii A. Polubentseva – «Malen'koye Grand pas» A. Adana (pedagog – Ayslu Panina), stsena «Tsvety» iz baleta «Snezhnaya Koroleva» (pedagog – zasluzhennaya artistka RF, narodnaya artistka RB Zukhra Il'yasova). Zavershilsya kontsert prazdnichnym shestviyem «Suadrilla» E. Elgara v khoreografii zasluzhennogo artista RB Rinata Abushakhmanova. Zaklyuchitel'naya kompozitsiya byla podgotovlena dvumya pedagogami – Rezedoy Khalikovoy i direktorom BKHK im. R. Nureyeva, zasluzhennym deyatelem iskusstv RB Oliyey Vil'danovoy. Meropriyatiya proyekta «Nureyevskiye dni» prodolzhatsya osen'yu. Napomnim, v oktyabre ozhidayetsya traditsionnyy masshtabnyy festival', posvyashchonnyy legendarnomu, vsemirno izvestnomu artistu baleta Rudol'fu Nureyevu. «Rudol'f Nureyev – etalonnyy tantsovshchik. Eto imya, kotorym my gordimsya i eto planka, k kotoroy my stremimsya. Mnogiye nashi pedagogi zakonchili tu zhe leningradskuyu shkolu. My prepodayom po toy zhe metodike. Nado skazat', chto vsya baletnaya truppa nashego teatra – eto vypuskniki Bashkirskogo khoreograficheskogo kolledzha raznykh let. My gordimsya tem, chto sredi nashikh vypusknikov mnogo zasluzhennykh artistov ne tol'ko Respubliki Bashkortostan, no i Rossii, narodnyye artisty. Mnogiye iz nikh rabotayut i za granitsey. YA schitayu, chto vysokiy uroven' truppy teatra, v pervuyu ochered', obuslovlen nalichiyem khoroshey professional'noy shkoly baleta», – otmechayet glavnyy baletmeyster BGTOiB, nachal'nik otdela spetsial'nogo obucheniya BKHK im. R. Nureyeva, narodnaya artistka Rossii i Bashkortostana, laureat Gosudarstvennoy premii im. S. Yulayeva Leonora Kuvatova. Leonora Safyyevna podcherknula, chto kazhdyy vypusknik kolledzha uzhe poluchil po dva-tri priglasheniya. V etom godu v Bashkirskiy teatr opery i baleta primut 7-8 chelovek, takzhe rebyata otpravyatsya v Rostov-na-Donu, Yekaterinburg, Sankt-Peterburg, Chelyabinsk, Syktyvkar i drugiye goroda. Kontsert proshol s bol'shim uspekhom. Vospitanniki Bashkirskogo khoreograficheskogo kolledzha im. Rudol'fa Nureyeva tantsevali s bol'shim udovol'stviyem, kazhdoye vystupleniye soprovozhdalos' burnymi ovatsiyami zriteley. Dinara YUzlekbayeva

Today in Ufa, a concert of the Bashkir Choreographic College. R. Nureyev "In everyone who goes on the stage, a part of me will live." The event was held in the Bashkir State Theater of Opera Ballet as part of the Nureyev Days project.

The program was opened by the class concert “How to become a ballerina” to the music of composers of the 18th-19th centuries. Ballet master - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Ballet Directing Department of the St. Petersburg Conservatory. ON. Rimsky Korsakov Alexander Polubentsov. The statement was attended by graduates of the classical and national departments, students of junior, middle and senior classes.

As the college teachers say, the preparation for the academic concert is conducted from the very beginning of the school year. For the guys, this is a very exciting event, they admit that it is a great honor to perform on the stage of the Bashkir Theater of Opera and Ballet.

In the second part of the pupils BHK them. R. Nureyev performed "Serenade" from the ballet "Harlequinada" R. Drigo directed by Yuri Burlak (teacher - Reseda Khalikov), "Hungarian dance" in the author's choreography of teacher Marat Karimov, legendary examples of Bashkir dancing art - "Seven girls" Faizi Gaskarov and "Burzyanochki" Hashim Mustaeva. Graduates of the classical department - Matkava Milan, Dekshanaeva Karina, Shirnin Kirill and Fakhrullin Arthur - under the guidance of Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Aislu Panina presented the modern dance “Jungle” by T. Newman in choreography by Oleg Gabysheva. The performances in choreography by A. Polubentsev - “Little Grand pas” by A. Adana (teacher - Aislu Panina), the scene “Flowers” ​​from the ballet “The Snow Queen” (teacher - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, People’s Artist of Belarus Zuhra Ilyasova) were performed.

The concert ended with a festive procession of “Cuadrilla” by E. Elgar in choreography by the Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Rinat Abushakhmanov. The final composition was prepared by two teachers - Reseda Khalikova and the director of the BHC named after. R. Nureyev, Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Belarus Olya Vildanova.

The activities of the project "Nureyevsky Days" will continue in the fall. Recall that in October a traditional large-scale festival is expected, dedicated to the legendary, world-famous ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev.

    “Rudolf Nureyev is a reference dancer. This is the name we are proud of and this is the bar to which we aspire. Many of our teachers graduated from the same Leningrad school. We teach by the same method. I must say that the entire ballet troupe of our theater is graduates of the Bashkir Choreographic College of different years. We are proud that among our graduates there are many honored artists not only of the Republic of Bashkortostan, but also of Russia, national artists. Many of them work abroad. I believe that the high level of the theater troupe, primarily due to the presence of a good professional ballet school, ”- said the head choreographer BSTOiB, head of the department of special education BHC them. R. Nureeva, People's Artist of Russia and Bashkortostan, laureate of the State Prize of them. S. Yulayev Leonora Kuvatova.

Leonora Safiyevna emphasized that each college graduate has already received two or three invitations. This year, 7-8 people will attend the Bashkir Opera and Ballet Theater, and the guys will also go to Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Syktyvkar and other cities.

The concert was a great success. Pupils of the Bashkir Choreographic College. Rudolf Nureyev danced with great pleasure, each performance was accompanied by a storm of applause from the audience.

Bashkir Choreographic College presented a concert in the framework of the project “Nureyevsky Days”
Bashkir Choreographic College presented a concert in the framework of the project “Nureyevsky Days”
Bashkir Choreographic College presented a concert in the framework of the project “Nureyevsky Days”
Bashkir Choreographic College presented a concert in the framework of the project “Nureyevsky Days”
Bashkir Choreographic College presented a concert in the framework of the project “Nureyevsky Days”
Bashkir Choreographic College presented a concert in the framework of the project “Nureyevsky Days”
Bashkir Choreographic College presented a concert in the framework of the project “Nureyevsky Days”
Bashkir Choreographic College presented a concert in the framework of the project “Nureyevsky Days”


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