By 2021, Bashkortostan will purchase ten autoclubs for remote villages according to the national project

By 2021, Bashkortostan will purchase ten autoclubs for remote villages according to the national project

Ten auto clubs for outdoor cultural events in remote villages of Bashkortostan will be purchased in 2020-2021 according to the Kultura national project.

    “Autoclub is an automobile module based on a bus with a folding stage and sound equipment, it allows you to stand at any place and hold a concert. Artists will come to them in those villages where there are no clubs and houses of culture, mostly small villages with a population of about 100-200 people " 2020-2021.

Now, Gazel minibuses are used to move artists to remote locations, but they are not equipped with a stage and sound, the minister said. According to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, there are about 2.5 thousand villages in the region where there are no clubs or houses of culture, more than 250 thousand people live in them. Autoclubs will go to the balance of the municipality’s club network, with performances by artists from regional houses of culture.

The national project "Culture" was developed for the implementation of the presidential decree "On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024". The national project includes three federal programs: "Cultural Environment", "Creative People" and "Digital Culture". Total for its implementation from the budget in the years 2019-2024 is planned to allocate 113.5 billion rubles.



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