"Babich" film by B.Yusupov is a winner on "Love in every heart" festival

"Babich" film by B.Yusupov is a winner on "Love in every heart" festival

International festival "Love in every heart" film-festival was held in Dzerzhinsky yesterday. The organizer is the Union of music, film and TV creators.

"Babich" movie became one of the winners - of the special award after the actor Vladimir Motyl. 

"This is the highest nomination of this festival", - said Gulnaz Yarullina, the PR-manager of the "Zhivaya Lenta" film-company. 

"The First Republic" film by B.Yusupov also participated in the contest programme. The contest movie-shows have been lasting from the 27th of August to the 3d of September. 


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