"Little Sister" film received two awards at "Golden Vityaz" International Film Forum

"Little Sister" film received two awards at "Golden Vityaz" International Film Forum

The "Little Sister" war drama based on the story by Mustai Karim, directed by Alexander Galibin, won a festival prize again. The film was recognized as the best in the "Fiction" category at the 29th International Film Festival "Golden Vityaz". The leading actor Arslan Krymchurin won the Best Children's Actor category for the role of Yamil.

"I went on stage and received a statuette and diplomas by myself. I was even more nervous than on the set. This recognition is very valuable to me. Thanks to everyone who believed and supported me. Of course, special thanks to the creators of the film forum and the members of the jury," Arslan Krymchurin shared.

The forum held this year in Sevastopol is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. In total, 20 countries participated in it; directors from Russia, Japan, and Serbia became favorites.

"Little Sister" film received two awards at "Golden Vityaz" International Film Forum


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