On October 12, a new concert season of the Folklore Ensemble of Song and Dance “Miras” took place in the City Palace of Culture. Artists presented to the audience the updated program.
The main premiere of the season was the vocal and choreographic composition “Bashkort balls” (directed by V. Anuchin). The statement about the Bashkir honey in connection with the preparation for the World Folkloriad - 2020 and the International Congress on Apiculture "Apimondia-2021" has acquired particular significance and relevance.
An important event in the collective's creative life was the Bashkir folk song “Buranbay”, performed by the choir for the first time. The male choir presented the Russian folk song "Recruit". On this day, the UNESCO anthem was sounded from the stage - the song “Imagine” by John Lennon, which the choir of the ensemble performed in Paris, in front of the audience and participants of the festival “Music and Dances of the World”.
The musical compositions were also presented by the Ensemble of Russian folk instruments “Zabava”, including the premieres - the plays “Macky Knife” (C. Weil), and “Carousel” (A. Fossin). Laureates of national and international competitions Alyona Zavyalova, Arina Trofimova, Rafis Sirusin and Alfia Zagidullina performed with solo numbers. It is worth noting that the ensemble complemented the program with restored dance numbers. One of them was the Abkhazian wedding dance “Festive”.
The folk song and dance ensemble “Miras” on the eve of important dates in the history of the republic, such as the 100th anniversary of Bashkortostan and the World Folklore - 2020, presented the audience with compositions revealing all the beauty of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and the world.