Today, June 28 in the Great Hall of the National Youth Theater. M. Karima premiered a new production of "Lyovushka" based on the story of Anatoly Crimea. The performance was worked by a talented team led by the director - the art director of the theater, the laureate of the State Republican Youth Prize. Sh. Babich, Honored Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan Musalim Kulbayev. The decoration was prepared by Julia Gilyazova, Rishat Sagitov played the musical director, and Alexander Rodionov staged the choreographic numbers.
Lyrical comedy, named after its protagonist, from the first minutes plunged the viewer into the bustle of a noisy merry court and introduced his little resident Lev - a favorite and comfort of grandmothers Rosa and Dasha. They both spoil their grandson, complain about stupid parents and admire the intelligent child. Only one breaks the idyll: Grandma Rosa and grandmother Dasha do not speak because of disagreements in religious beliefs. And once, once on the initiative of Grandma Rosa in the church, Lev learns where God lives.
"Lev's boy, in my opinion, is very unusual. Frankly, I was not looking for God at the age of 5-6 years. Perhaps this feeling was exacerbated by the hero in that both his grandfathers did not return from the war. In this sense, I was lucky: I grew up with two grandmothers and two grandfathers, "the director notes.
Following his dream, Loew skillfully manages to visit simultaneously with the synagogue and grandmother Rosa, and the church with her grandmother Dasha, receiving a monetary reward for it. Of course, soon the deception is revealed, but Lyovushka suddenly realizes that the main thing for him was not money, but something more important.