The main event for all museums of the year - the All-Russian Museum event "Night of Museums 2020" this year will be held for the first time online.
On Saturday evening May 16 from 6 p.m. the state and municipal museums of the Republic of Bashkortostan will present on their social media (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram) and on their channels on the YouTube video hosting the most interesting materials on three topics:
1. "Memory and Glory Night” dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and representing materials about fellow countrymen-heroes and artifacts of the war years, exhibited and stored in museums;
2. “Welcome to the Museum!” covering the history of the museum and its founders, expositions, and collections of museums;
3. “Museum of Interests”, which presents video master-classes conducted by museum workers and craftsmen for children and adults.
All information can be found on social media by the hashtag: #ночьмузеевРБ. The latest news and most interesting publications will be posted on the website of the “Night of Museums 2020” campaign in the Republic of Bashkortostan: “Night of Museums 2020 in Bashkortostan”.