On the last day of the ARTylyshFEST festival, the audience saw two performances

On the last day of the ARTylyshFEST festival, the audience saw two performances

The last, eighth day of the Republican Theater Festival "ARTylyshFEST" was marked by two productions presented by the Bashkir State Academic Drama Theater named after M. Gafuri and the Sibay State Bashkir Drama Theater named after A. Mubaryakov.

The M. Gafuri Bolshoi Drama Theater was the first to present its performance “RAS-skazy” (“Bala”) on the native stage. The first part of the play's title, "RAS," is an acronym for the medical diagnosis "Autism Spectrum Disorder," that is, autism. The play by Victoria Emeleva is based on the stories of real families raising children with this diagnosis. This theme is familiar to the author of the play and stage director Ilshat Mukhutdinov firsthand. Victoria and Ilshat are raising a daughter diagnosed with ASD and have themselves become the heroes of the play. The performance is played in two languages ​​- Russian and Bashkir, depending on the nationality of the characters.

The festival experts expressed their gratitude to the theater for covering a complex social topic.


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