"The best Bashkir book of Republic Bashkortostan - 2016" runs in A.-Z. Validi National library

"The best Bashkir  book of Republic Bashkortostan - 2016" runs in A.-Z. Validi National library


December 14 at the National Library of A.-Z.Validi held awarding ceremony of XI Republican contest "The best Bashkir  book of Republic Bashkortostan - 2016", All-Russian contest and All-Russia Olympiad "Symbols of Russia".
Recall that the All-Russian competition "Symbols of Russia" started in September 2016. The competition was organized by the Russian State Children's Library and the National Library of Republic Bashkortostan of A.-Z.Validi supported by the Russian Federation Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Russian Historical Society.
Entrants under the age of 7 to 14 years old came up with questions about the history and the symbolic meaning of the state symbols of Russia: Russian flag, the anthem of the Russian Federation, the Russian coat of arms of the Russian Standard of the President, the President of the Russian Federation sign. The total number of participants in the competition for the region amounted to 214 people, and this is one place in the Russian Federation. According to the results of the contest for the 20 best questions. Later in the competition was attended by 807 students in the 83 areas of the country.
The contest  "The best Bashkir  book of Republic Bashkortostan - 2016", was held in three categories: "Masters of children's fiction," "Masters of children's poetry" and "Keeping the reader". The competition was attended by public libraries. To participate in the Contest have been nominated books, periodicals, collections, publications and publication series published in the Republic of Bashkortostan for the last 2 years. In the Republican contest  "The best Bashkir  book of Republic Bashkortostan - 2016" has received more than 160 works, took part 53 Central library system.
Guests of the event will be the Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan Ranis Altynbaev, chief editor of the children's magazine "Akbuzat" - Tamara Yuldasheva, children's writer, a teacher, trainer, writer, for the book "The fourth miracle" Farzana Gubaidulina, guests from children's periodicals "Akbuzat", "Amanat" "Yәnshishmә" established their special prizes.



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