Today, February 21, an international dictation was held in Bashkortostan in the languages of the peoples of the republic. Residents were be able to write a dictation in six languages of the peoples of the republic. Those are Russian, Bashkir, Tatar, Chuvash, Udmurt, and Mari. The Minister of Culture of Bashkortostan also supported the action and took part in it.
Many popular artists of Bashkortostan also wrote a dictation. Those are: People's artist RB and Honored worker of art N. Musin, People's atrists RF and RB F. Kildiyarova and K. Utyashev, bashkir film-director B. Yusupov and the others.
The dictation was dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the legendary bashkir military M. Shaymuratov. A part of the "Eagle of Ural" novel by S. Kadyrov was chosen for the dictation text.
The results to be published soon online.