Today, October 12, in the Bashkir State Art Museum named after M.Nesterov, the grand opening of the exhibition of works by the People’s Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan, a member of the International Academy of Graphics (St. Petersburg) Ivan Ivanovich Fartukov was held. The exhibition is dedicated to the 70th birthday of the artist.
The opening of the exhibition was attended by famous artists, public figures and friends of Ivan Ivanovich.
The Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic, Shamil Abdrakov, conveyed the words of greeting on behalf of the head of the department: “We heartily congratulate you on your 70th anniversary. Over the years of professional activity, you have proved yourself as a gifted and original artist, having a well-deserved authority. We highly appreciate your professionalism and ability to adequately represent the visual art of Bashkortostan in Russia and abroad. May your talent, which is one of the factors of preserving and continuing the greatest traditions of the fine arts of Bashkortostan, continue to be in demand. We sincerely wish you good health and new heights”.
On behalf of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Belarus, the chairman of the Union of Artists, Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Khatip Fazylov made a speech: “Ivan Ivanovich has long found an approach to the audience, it’s not for nothing that his works participate in exhibitions and are kept in galleries throughout the country and are familiar with his work everywhere. On behalf of the board of the union, I congratulate the hero of the day on the holiday, and I want to say - please us with such grand exhibitions for many more years!”.
The hero of the day told about those who are depicted in the paintings, about what inspires him. “On such a day, I want to say a lot of things, but at the same time I think that my works will say for me. They convey what I think about, what I worry about and get sick. You know, my way is work, how much I remember myself - I always work'', said Ivan Ivanovich.