"Victory Salute" festival of national art is being held in Bashkortostan

"Victory Salute" festival of national art is being held in Bashkortostan

A big "Victory Salute" festival of national art is being held in Bashkortostan. Zonal reviews were held at the Ufa Cultural Center yesterday. 

The district of Ufa presented the performance named "The Victory in the name of the Living" with more than 250 members. 

Almost 70 performances were shown to the jury of the festival. 

"The time goes on so fast. We need to take care of the veterans and keep the memory of the Victory to next generations", - said military Ufa comissar V. Gorokholsky. 

Apart from the show, an exhibition was set at the foyer of the Center. It was dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory. 

The reviews to be continued today at the Karmaskaly district of RB. 

"Victory Salute" festival of national art is being held in Bashkortostan
"Victory Salute" festival of national art is being held in Bashkortostan
"Victory Salute" festival of national art is being held in Bashkortostan


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