In Bashkortostan, the National Costume Day of the peoples of the republic will be celebrated on September, 11. To remind, by order of the head of the republic, Radiy Khabirov, this day is annually celebrated on the third Friday of April and the second Friday of September.
The Republican center of Folk arts will set online-action "The Dance of Friendship" with hashtags #ТанецДружбыБашкортостан, #Башҡортостандуҫлыҡбейеүе, #Деньнациональногокостюма, #УфаМКРБ #УфаРЦНТРБ, #МКРБ.
The Ministry of culture of bashkortostan will set online-action with hashtags: #МойНациональныйКостюм, #МиллиКостюм for everyone to post their photos wearing national costumes.
Disco Party will be held on the Day of National Costume. It will be located at the salavat Yulaev square. The organizers are Ministry of Culture RB, Republican Center of Folk Arts, House of Frienship of the Peoples of Bashkortostan etc.