Today in the Bashkir Drama Theater in Salavat there is an actor's casting for a new film based on the tale of Mustay Karim "The Joy of Our Home". The director of the picture is a famous actor and presenter Alexander Galibin.
The Ministry of Culture of Russia allocated 90 million rubles for the shooting of the film based on the story of Musta Karim. The working title of the tape is "Sister". Production of the film will be carried out at the technical and administrative base of the Motor-Film studio. Representatives of the studio came to Bashkortostan, Beloretsk and Burzyan districts in the autumn to preview the facilities. It is noteworthy that the film will be published in the Bashkir language. The premiere of the tape is timed to the 100th anniversary of the Republic and the anniversary of Musta Karim and should be held in 2019.
Recall that the basis of the story Mustay Karim - a touching story about the Slavic girl Oksana, during the Second World War came from Ukraine to a distant Bashkir village. In the outback the girl finds a second family, teaches the language, helps the needy. And all this happens during the war, which leaves its imprint on the child's consciousness.