This year marks 10 years since the ballet "Bakhchisarai Fountain" by Boris Asafiev was staged on the stage of the Bashkir Opera and Ballet Theater by the outstanding Bashkir choreographer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Shamil Teregulov. However, this performance continues to collect complete halls, giving viewers the beauty and relaxation of everyday vanity.
The reason is not only in the professionalism of the ballet troupe, but also in the merits of the performance itself. Laconic and slender, he represents a happy union of music, reliably depicting each character, emotional and temperamental choreography, exquisite scenography developed by Moscow artist Dmitry Cherbadzhi. From the castle of the Polish prince the action is transferred to the harem of Khan Girey, events develop rapidly, and the well-known poem of Alexander Pushkin sounds fresh and bright, enriched with many new shades.
The performance will be held on Sunday, November 19.
Order tickets - on the theater's website ( and by phone. 273-84-72.