Agidel magazine is 100 years old

Agidel magazine is 100 years old

This year the magazine "Agidel" turns 100 years old. At the beginning the magazine was published under the name "Yany yul" (The New Way).

The first issue of the magazine "Yany yul" ("The New Way") was published in March 1923 in Ufa. "Political-scientific, literary-social monthly magazine", since 1924 - "Political-literary, scientific, social, economic and professional journal", "Publishing of the Autonomous Bashkir Socialist Soviet Republic, the Central Executive Committee, the Council of People's Commissars and the Bashprovsovet". Circulation - 1000 copies.

The editor-in-chief is not specified, it was published on behalf of the editorial board. Editorial staff: Ahmadulla Biishev, Daut Yulty, Habibulla Gabitov, number 9 - Gubay Davletshin, Ahmet Habibov. Permanent authors: Habibulla Gabitov, Ahmadulla Biishev, Mullayan Khalikov, Majit Gafuri, Gazim Kasimov, Nuriagzam Tagirov, Daut Yulty, Fazil Tuykin, G. Gumerov, Sagit Mirasov, Bulat Ishemgulov, Saifi Kudash, Zarifi Bashiri and others.

Main headings: "Official Department", "Heading of historical materials", "Literary heading", "News of science and technology", "Insignificant", etc.

The journal managed to unite the scientific, literary and cultural community around itself. Many Bashkir writers, scientists and journalists actively collaborated with the publication. In March 1924, the last, eleventh issue of the magazine "Yany yul" was published. Further, the baton is taken by the magazine "Belem" ("Knowledge").

Journals "Yany yul" are stored in the fund of manuscripts and rare editions of the National Library of the Republic of Belarus named after A.-Z. Validi.

Agidel magazine is 100 years old


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