On May 24, a grand cultural event will be held at the City Palace of Culture, prepared by the Folk Song and Dance Ensemble "Miras" on the occasion of the closing of the season. The audience is waiting for an exciting concert program, striking variety of rooms, harmoniously combining the national flavor of Bashkir lands and the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and the world.
On the stage of the City Palace of Culture will be presented as already long loved by the audience numbers, and novelties of the season. So, within the concert program, Bashkir, Russian, Tatar, American and other vocal-choreographic numbers, songs and dances will be performed. In particular, the audience will be able to enjoy the vocal-choreographic composition "At the Shatra", the Bashkir dances "Rukodelnitsy" and "The Route", the sailor dance "Ak kayyndar", the Chuvash song performed by the choir "Kai, Kai Ivana". The audience is waiting for a live sound, a lot of positive emotions and unforgettable impressions of what they saw.