Children Theater Studio "Samrau" at the Bashkir Academic Drama Theater. Majita Gafuri announces an additional set from the new year. Invited children from 7 to 17 years old, those who want to try themselves on stage, wants to become more free, open, creatively relaxed and sociable.
Classes are held in the following disciplines:
1. Acting skills;
2. Vocals;
3. Stage speech;
4. Dance.
Classes are held 2 times a week - on Mondays and Thursdays from 16.00 - 19.00. Classes will begin on January 15. All students of the Children's Studio can attend any theatrical performances for free.
Group "Samrau" Vkontakte:
Phone for communication: 8-927-325-77-85.
Address: Zaki Validi St., 34.