For the first time in Ufa will show the performance in the genre of documentary theater in Bashkir language

For the first time in Ufa will show the performance in the genre of documentary theater in Bashkir language

26 and 27 January the Republican center of modern drama and directing will present a premiere of "Nashi". It is important to note that the statement in the genre of documentary theater for the first time will be released in Bashkir language. 

"Our" - one of the results of creative theatrical and folklore expedition "Zamandash", held in August 2016. The project, carried out by the forces of the CBD RB "Zamandash", has been awarded a grant of the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan for the implementation of the most important creative projects.
The performance could not exist without its main creators - this expedition participants - students of the 3rd course of the 
Z.Ismagilov Ufa State Institute of Arts Gulchachak Zaripova, Salim Sultangareev, Gulli Abdisova, Anastasia Mazhirina, Adele Valiullina. The director of the play and the mastermind behind the project is Rimma Kharisova - Senior Lecturer of UGII of Z.Ismagilov.
The original version of the play was called "Grandma", however, the creators decided to rename the setting.

The basis of verbatim includes real stories of grandmothers, their thoughts and memories. As dictated by a particular genre of documentary theater - the actors tell stories of real people heard, but not through the "I'm in the given circumstances", and a maximum approximation to the original source - "donors", in the manner of speech, gestures, physical resemblance.

The audience greeted the performance in a variety of grandmothers - folk ensemble artists, keepers of folk art with a mission to represent the village and be its face; they are the same - long forgotten their children and grandchildren; they are remembering first love throughout life (and this no less than 50-60 years); they are the same - God's dandelions, they are the same - do not want to grow old. Here they are - our grandmothers.

This effect of the documentary narrative on the stage is live emotions in the audience - that you laugh and cry the same second. Just as in life. That's why after watching I want to call my grandmother and ask - "Grandma, how are you?".



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