In Bashkortostan will open country's first Russian Cavalry Museum

In Bashkortostan will open country's first Russian Cavalry Museum


In Bashkortostan held republican festival "Glorious sons of Russia", devoted to the 75th anniversary of the 112th Bashkir cavalry division named of Minigali Shaymuratov. Today, December 10 at Karmaskalinsky District, the festival hosted a presentation of the Russian cavalry museum concept of Major General M. M. Shaymuratov.
In October 2016 on the basis of a public competition to identify the best concepts of the future Museum of the Russian cavalry of Major General M. M. Shaymuratov by the decision of the competition committee became the winner of "Kivesta", Moscow. The concept of the museum presented the CEO I. Tikhonov and project architect K. Fomin. They in detail told about the museum concept and design of the building. It is said that this project is an important milestone in the development of not only the republic, but the entire country as a whole, because it claims to be the first museum of the Russian cavalry. The grandiose project designed in a contemporary style, with mashing culture and history of the area.
"At the heart of the artistic structure of the composition based on the principle of interaction of buildings, nature and culture of Bashkortostan. The construction is integrated into the environment, and discloses a new with each view. Laconic silhouette of the building is made of brick, wood and glass. The concept of the museum consists of five main archetypes: arch, saddle, cavalry wedge, pasture and riding school. The museum is intended to carry out awareness - raising and educational function, to keep the memory of the exploits, and promote the development of the region ", - said the architect Konstantin Fomin.
The head of administration of Karmaskalinsky district Fanzil Chingizov noted that this festival fits in the annals of the area as one of the significant events.
"We are proud that the one of the most fearless commanders of World War II, the legendary division commander, Minigaly Shaymuratov, was born on our place. From this village, he went to a great life and stepped into immortality. Today's event - it is the memory of the Bashkir cavalrymen, those who fought for his country, it is a tribute to the people who went through the war. Our people for centuries honors and remembers its heroes, and today's festival - this confirmation, "- he said.
Deputy Chairman of the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan Yumabika Ilyasova thanked all for preserving the memory of the exploits of our soldiers: "The Regional branch of the Russian military-historical society, which is headed by the chairman of the State Assembly, Konstantin Tolkachev, collected a lot of material about the division. I hope that the museum will enter the number of the objects to be built for the centennial of the republic and the country will be the first museum dedicated to the cavalry. For us the most important thing is that the museum will promote military-patriotic education of youth".
At the end of the speech Yumabika Salahetdinovna presented awards of the Russian military-historical society to First Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan Latypova Valentina Vladimirovna, to Head of Administration Karmaskalinsky district Chingizov Fanzil Faizovich, senior researcher of the Russian Institute of Strategic Research, Candidate of Historical Sciences Ramil Rakhimov Nasibullovich.
In turn, First Deputy Minister of Culture of Bashkortostan Valentina Latypova gave encyclopedia "Military history of Bashkir" published in "Bashkir Encyclopedia" in the future of the museum fund: "I know that these guys who help us with the museum project, working with local historians, experts, because the museum should take into account all of our regional characteristics, while at the same time, be contemporary. Thanks to the developers and organizers hope that the new museum will have a good, bright future. On behalf of the Ministry of Culture, I thank our guests for the development of the concept and the district administration for the decision about the construction of such an important and ambitious project".


In Bashkortostan will open country's first Russian Cavalry Museum


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