The film-fairy tale "Umyrzaya" ("Snowdrop") of the TV channel "Tamyr" of SUE TRK "Bashkortostan" became the finalist of the All-Russian TV contest "TEFI-Region-2017". The ceremony of awarding finalists in the thematic area "Enlightenment and Entertainment Broadcasting" was held the day before in the city of Arkhangelsk.
The jury awarded three candidates for each of the 12 nominations for the main prize - a bronze statuette of Orpheus.
"The first bronze Orpheus Bashkortostan in 2004 brought a children's film-fairy tale" Horalay "(Roe deer), - the author of the script of the film, the director of the TV channel" Tamir "Gulnaz Kulsarina, told. - The whole "Tamer" rejoices that "Umyrzaya" has reached the final of TEFI, because the creation of a television fairy tale is a highly complicated and laborious process. In the shooting of a fairy story, the whole team is immersed. "
Shooting tales based on the legends of the well-known Russian journalist, a member of the jury "TEFI-Region" Sergei Mayorov called a good idea.
"It turned out a very interesting story, looked with pleasure, even without understanding the language," he said.