November 18-19, 2017 in Ufa, the Republican Center for Folk Art holds a seminar for the heads of creative teams, teachers of children's music and art schools "Bashkir folk jewelry", "Traditional folk costume of Bashkirs and Tatars of the Republic of Bashkortostan".
The event is held in preparation for the World Folklore in 2020 in the Republic of Bashkortostan.
The seminar will be conducted by the candidate of historical sciences Elena Nechvoloda, the candidate of cultural studies Gulnara Tahitdinova, as well as the masters of the breastplates.
In addition to the theoretical part, the participants await the theory. For them, classes will be organized for the production of bibs "Bashkir folk ornaments": Ya'a, әmәyҙek, hsitә (an element of the costume of the Eastern Zaural Bashkirs), Seltur, Khayal, ҙieү (costume element of the southeast, Ural Bashkirs), һаҡal (costume element of the south- western, demi Bashkirs), muyinsa (costume element of northeastern Bashkirs), Ike, almayine, uyain (costume element of northwestern Bashkirs).
Applications are accepted until November 16 at the email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone.289-65-50 (the Department of Folk Arts of the Russian Center for Scientific and Technical Information). Depending on the type of bib, participants must have appropriate materials for hand sewing.