October 19 at 19.00 in the City Palace of Culture held a lyrical concert "Enjoying the autumn melody." The event was organized within the framework of the joint project of the "Public Fund for City Development" and the City Palace of Culture "Charitable concerts for the residents of Ufa".
For the audience will perform soloists and creative collectives GDK. In the program of the concert: lyrical compositions in the Bashkir and Tatar languages, colorful choreographic numbers, excellent mood and inspiring music.
Free invitations can be received from October 16 to 18 in the office of the Public Fund for the Development of the City (Rossiyskaya St., 108). Working hours: from 10.00 to 18.00 (from 13.00 to 14.00 - break).
For more information, please contact the Public Fund for City Development at 8 (347) 277-15-40.