On May 23, the solemn opening of the exhibition "Panno for the Prayer" by Nikolai Roerich dedicated to the Days of Slavic Writing and Culture took place in the exhibition hall "Renaissance" of the "Cathedral of Russian Bashkortostan".
The exhibition was opened by the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the NGO "The Cathedral of Russian Bashkortostan", the Chairman of the Committee of the GS-Kurultai of the Republic of Belarus on State Construction, Law and Order, and V.A. Pchelintsev, Chairman of the Committee on Culture and Language Policy of the RSB "RPB" V.P. Afanasyev. Guests of the exhibition were students of Gymnasium No. 64, students of the Autotransport College, representatives of the House of Friendship of Peoples and the Department for Culture and Art of the Administration of the City of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
The main idea of the panel series for the chapel is the statement of the spiritual principle leading to eternal life. This idea is expressed, first of all, symbolically by the tree of life and the color scale. Its purpose is to create an atmosphere of detachment from worldly vanity and concentration on the Higher.
Unfortunately, this series remains to this day almost unknown to the general public. After passing a thorny path, the panels were never delivered to the villa Livshitsa in Nice, in 1962 the Moscow collector S.A. Mukhin transferred the collection of works of N.K. Roerich in the Museum of Fine Arts of the city of Gorlovka (Ukraine), where they are at the present time.
Heroes of the panel of Nikolai Konstantinovich - young men with beautiful spiritualized faces, the Emperor Constantine and his mother Elena, Prince Vladimir and his ancestor Olga, the stately elder and the very tree of life.
The NGO "The Cathedral of Russian Bashkortostan" together with the NGO "Preservation and Revival of Cultural Heritage" invite everyone to visit the exhibition "Panno for the Prayer" by N.K. Roerich, dedicated to the Days of Slavic Literature and Culture.