The film "Dead lucky" by director Vadim Valiullin will compete for the title of "best" in the category "debut" at the festival in Sochi. Recall that in 2016 his film "Credit" was awarded the main prize in his nomination.
Starring famous actors of Ufa: Dmitry Bogdan, Andrei Poisky, Alexei Derbunovich, Valery Grinkov, Polina Shabaeva, Nikolai Richter, Vladislav Arslanov, Tamara Adamova, Alexey Smyshlyaev, Grigory Nikolayev, Alexandra Balandina, Anton Boldyrev
In the story, the young guy is involved in a criminal gang, which consists of his older brother. The guy is forced to go to his first "real deal" with his mother criminals to prove his professional worthiness. Before the gang is the task to perform a custom-made murder and frame the whole thing, as another burst of activity of the serial maniac who has been holding the whole city in fear for several months.
"Kinotavr-2017" will be held from 7 to 14 June, traditionally in the city of Sochi.