The Salavat Bashkir theater of drama is expected for premiere by A. Ostrovsky

The Salavat Bashkir theater of drama is expected for premiere by A. Ostrovsky

In the Salavat Bashkir Theater of Drama, on November 11 and 21, as part of the "Theaters of Small Cities" project of the "United Russia" party, the first performance of A.Ostrovsky's "Glumov" will be staged (according to the play "Every Wise Man is quite simple").

Director of production, stage designer, musical design - Anton Fedorov;
Costume designer - Natalia Yuganova;
Translation from Russian into Bashkir - Sarvar Surin.
"It's quite simple for every sage. But know, gentlemen, that while I was between you, in your society, I was only honest when I wrote this diary. What did you find new in him? You yourself always talk about each other, but not in the eyes. If I'd read it to you, to everyone individually, what about the others was written, you would applaud me. If anyone has the right to take offense, get angry, lose one's temper, rage, it's me. I do not know who, but one of you honest people stole my diary. You've ruined everything from me: you took money, you lost your reputation. You drive me and think that this is all - that's the thing and it will end. You think I'll forgive you. No, gentlemen, it will be bitter for you. Farewell!". (Egor Dmitrich Glumov).



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