Kim Abuzarovich Akhmediyanov was born on February 5, 1932 in the village of Almukhametovo of Abzelilovsky region BASSR. He is a Bashkir expert in literature, critic, Candidate of Philology.
He graduated from the Bashkir Pedagogical Institute named after K.A.Timiryazev (1955). Since 1966 year he has been working at the Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Bashkir Branch of the Academy of Science USSR. At the end of the 50s he worked in the sphere of literary criticism and literary studies. His first poem is “The problems of the composition of Bashkir poems” (1962). Akmediyanov’s book “The theory of literature” (1971) plays a significant role in Bashkir literature. “History of Bashkir Soviet literature” has made a big contribution to literature. Akhmediyanov has made up “Vocabulary of literary terms” (1979). He was awarded the Republican premium named after Salavat Yulaev (1972).