Kind of activity: National writer of Bashkortostan, poet, dramatist
Years of life: January, 2(15), 1908 – August, 24, 1996
Creative biography: the creator of epic novels, which brightly displayed the life of Bashkir people during an epoch of revolutions and civil war. She is the author of novels and stories about her contemporaries and also plays and fairy tales for children and youth. She is lyric poet, whose verses easily lay down on music and become songs. She translated the works of Gogol, Turgenev, Aksakov, Chekhov, Kassil and other classics of Russian and soviet literature in the Bashkir language. She created more than 60 books in languages of peoples of Russia and the world.
Her life and destiny put her to the test since the early childhood. In her childhood she became an orphan, only 16 years old she managed to finish the fourth class of school. She learned much without a teacher. The clever girl was directed to the Bashkir pedagogical school, which was placed then in Orenburg, in the historical architectural complex “Caravan-sarai”, constructed in the XIX on money collected by Bashkirs. In the same technical school the future writer-satirist Sagit Agish studied with her at the same time.
Hard worker, she lived a long life in the literature. Her first story was published in 1930 in «Pioneer» magazine. And the first book «Boy- partisan» was published in the military 1942.
In the forties — sixties of the last century such her famous books, as «Kyunhylyu», «the Strange person», «Where are you, Gyulnisa?», «Dumas-thoughts», «Love and hatred» were published. In them, the writer, showed the heroes and heroines in conflict situations, raised philosophical problems of mutual relationship between a person and society. But the most important work of her life are novels «Humiliated», «Near The Big Ik» and «Emesh», which constituted a multidimensional epic trilogy and entered the history of the Bashkir literature as the largest phenomenon of a historic-literal genre. For the trilogy Zaynab Biisheva was given the State award RB by the name of Salavat Yulaev.