Кильмухаметов Тимергали

Кильмухаметов Тимергали

Timergali Abdulgalimovich Kilmuikhametov was born on December 19th  1941 year  on the Serovo  station of Bogdatsky region of Ferganskaya oblast’ of Uzbekistan.

After graduation from high school he worked as the secretary of the Komsomol organization in a collective farm. In 1962-1967 he studied at the Bashkir State University, in 1967-1970 he continued his education at the Moscow State University and got a postgraduate degree. He defended his Candidate’s dissertation, later in 1962 - his doctorial dissertation .

T.Kilmukhametov took up literature being a student. His first collected stories “The colour of a star” was published in 1968 year.

He worked actively in the sphere of philology, literary criticism. He is the author of the researches: “Dramaturgy of Mustai Karim” (1979), “Force of nationality” (1998), etc.



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