Нуреев Рудольф

Нуреев Рудольф

Kind of activity: ballet dancer 

Years of life: he was born March, 17th, 1938 in a train on a way to station Spacious Primorski Territory, near to Irkutsk - on January, 6th, 1993

Post/trade: ballerinas, the virtuoso, a star, the actor, the choreographer and the head of an orchestra, the billionaire
The creative biography:
He at the Ufa school №2 along the street studied in Sverdlova, 38. Now here there are Ufa choreographic schools of a name of Rudolf Nureeva. "In new year of the first year of my study at school I have seen for the first time the present ballet, — Rudolf Nureev writes to"Autobiographies"— I am till today very live I remember, how I was then is blinded, captivated and excited by everything that have seen.

In this New Year's performance of a national Ufa opera the national ballerina Nasretdinova as whom and now at a mature sight I consider as the fine ballerina acted. She danced then the Bashkir ballet «the Crane song …»

Schoolboy Rudolf Nureev began to be engaged in a ballet circle of the House of pioneers. But was so irrepressible that had time to dance and in Teacher's club mugs, and in club of locomotive-repair factory.
The father — Hamit, the major of Red Army.
In 1953 Rudolf have invited in a ballet school at the Bashkir theater. About it already knew as about the talented boy — the dancer. The studio prepared basically figurants, but to Rudolf trusted job lots. Have issued it on the rate of the ballet dancer and have given the small salary.
Capital masters of ballet have paid attention to its solo number on the Ufa scene — dance of the Dzhigit with a pole in «the Crane song»—. There was a possibility to study in the Leningrad choreographic school of a name of A.J.Vaganovoj. After the termination of school of Rudolf Nureeva have accepted in troupe of the Kirov theater.

On one of performances there were parents. «The disappointment of my father, — remembers his daughter Razida, — has remained until he hasn't seen Rudolf's performance on a scene of the Kirov theater in Leningrad many years later. He has understood that it was what was wanted by Rudolf, and that it is its destiny».

Character at the talented actor was not sugar. It has tremendous success at public, but uses dislike of administration of theater which irritates its independent character. Rudolf Nureev constantly defended the right to the sights, the style of behavior, a way of life. It became the reason of the deep conflict. And as the result, during tours of the Kirov theater in Paris in 1961, it remained in France.
- I want to be free! — has declared then the actor. World newspapers named this act «a jump in freedom». And the Leningrad city court has sentenced Rudolf Nureeva in absentia for change to the Native land to seven years of imprisonment.
Abroad in all power the talent of our fellow countryman was showed. It was a dazzling star of ballet troupe of the marquis де Kuevasa, danced in "Kovent Garden", was the actor of Royal ballet in London. In 1983 Nureeva appoint the art director "Grand Opera", and for six years it has considerably lifted prestige of the main theater of France.

- I want to be free! — has declared then the actor. World newspapers named this act «a jump in freedom». And the Leningrad city court has sentenced Rudolf Nureeva in absentia for change to the Native land to seven years of imprisonment.

Abroad in all power the talent of our fellow countryman was showed. It was a dazzling star of ballet troupe of the marquis де Kuevasa, danced in "Kovent Garden", was the actor of Royal ballet in London. In 1983 Nureeva appoint the art director "Grand Opera", and for six years it has considerably lifted prestige of the main theater of France.
Remember that our great dancer had nasty character. The quick-tempered, selfish, whimsical person, the present tyrant, especially concerning close people and the partners and the ballerinas occupied in its ballets. But also it never gave to itself(himself) to descent and hated, when somebody was lazy. Possessing exclusive physical strength and excellent health, Rudolf Nureev danced to 300 ballets in a year.
It has visited a native city unique time — in November, 1987. Under Raisa Gorbachevoj's personal request, Nureevu allow to go to Ufa to say goodbye to dying mother. The son has had time to tell the last "forgive". But she hasn't learned it.
Rudolf Nureev was very rich person. He loved the property, bought expensive pictures, houses, ranch, carpets, fabrics. He owned and island Galli, for 40 million dollars, nearby to Capri where has built for itself a rehearsal hall.
In 1983 AIDS virus has been found out in Nureeva. In the course of time Rudolf began to dance worse.
On January, 6th, 1993 has interrupted Rudolf Nureeva's flight, god of dance. He is buried near Paris on a cemetery in Sant-Zhenevev-de-Bua.
In Ufa, on a building of the Bashkir state opera and ballet theater, in March, 1993 the memorial board with an inscription has been opened: «On this scene in 1953-55 began the brilliant way the outstanding dancer of the XX-th century Rudolf Nureev».



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